Hotel Sunstar, Pontresina

facts and figures


Sunstar Hotels (Schweiz) AG

property type

4* hotel

total volume

CHF 26.5 million

number of rooms

46 rooms and lofts
4 second homes


Architekten Poltera GmbH

interior design

De Salles Flint, London





new way of mountain living

The former Hotel La Col­lina is now part of the Sun­star group. We were on hand to as­sist with its ex­tens­ive re­fur­bish­ment and ex­pan­sion as the con­struc­tion man­agers on the pro­ject. First, we con­trib­uted our fresh per­spect­ive to the ex­ist­ing concept with unique selling points and as­pects that add the wow factor. The concept is per­fect for a moun­tain get­away with style and youth­ful ap­peal: a club lounge for break­fast and après-sport cock­tails, plus a cozy spa area. Our trained eye also helped us op­tim­ize op­er­at­ing pro­cesses. This im­pressed the cli­ent and cre­ated trust – to the ex­tent that we were given over­all re­spons­ib­il­ity on site, in­clud­ing cost, sched­ule and qual­ity con­trol.

  • Second opinion
  • Spatial concept
  • Operational logistics
  • Client representation
  • Project management

the biggest challenge

A challenging project in a popular winter destination. The season also has a major impact on construction work. During this time, construction sites are virtually at a standstill. We have learned from this, too! As an additional challenge, the winter season in Pontresina is sacrosanct. From December to Easter, under local law, no significant noise is permitted on construction sites.