Hotel Furtschellas, Sils, Engadin

facts and figures


Corvatsch AG

Total volume

Approx. CHF 55 million

Property type


Number of rooms

Approx. 110 rooms and suites


Hotel with restaurant
Living room as lounge area
Spa area


Küchel & Ingenhoven Architects
→ Competition winners

Interior design

Interior Design Competition in 2024




2021 – ongoing

Fun fact

The hotel dimensions: 136 meters long and 11 meters high

the next success story

How does a pro­ject work with us as a part­ner? It moves for­ward ef­fi­ciently, step by step. What does this mean in prac­tice? First of all, the facts are closely ex­amined as part of a second opin­ion as­sess­ment. This is fol­lowed by a care­ful call for tenders to en­sure that the right op­er­at­or can be found. Sub­sequently, as the cli­ent rep­res­ent­at­ive, we handle thor­ough pro­ject plan­ning, set up a strong pro­ject team and get star­ted on plan­ning. The pro­spects are prom­ising! The hotel is turn­ing into a won­der­ful hide­away for guests look­ing for rest and re­lax­a­tion, as well as for en­thu­si­ast­ic winter sports en­thu­si­asts. The En­gad­in Ski Mara­thon route passes right by the hotel.

  • Second opinion
  • Operator search
  • Interior design contest
  • Client representation

the biggest challenge

The building was selected through a project competition. The parameters set out in the draft competition must be strictly adhered to, and changes can only be made to a limited extent. For us, this is a task that our strengths in development and implementation allow us to see not as a limitation, but as an incentive to get the best for our client.