Hotel Heiden, Appenzell Ausserrhoden

facts and figures


Hotel Heiden AG

Property type

4* hotel

Number of rooms

45 rooms


Ground floor area with restaurant and bar
Meeting rooms and spa facilities


Ueli Sonderegger

Interior designer

Nader Interior GmbH


2018: Consulting
2021: Implementation



what a view!

A hotel with his­tory. Where to next? This is ex­actly where many busi­nesses go wrong. Hav­ing no plan is usu­ally not a par­tic­u­larly clev­er plan. With our help, the Hotel Heiden has begun a new chapter in its story. Our 10-year plan with clear mile­stones and well-thought-out fin­an­cing se­cures the long-term fu­ture of this long-es­tab­lished busi­ness. This of­fers se­cur­ity and peace of mind. But back to the story – the pic­tur­esque loc­a­tion, the breath­tak­ing view over the lovely coun­tryside down to Lake Con­stance. This is ex­actly what the guests want to ex­per­i­ence in the liv­ing and din­ing area and the feel­ing they wish to take back with them into their daily lives. That’s why we’ve turned the smal­ler spaces into a big, cozy space of­fer­ing the ul­ti­mate wow-mo­ment from every per­spect­ive.

  • Building analysis
  • Financial planning
  • Spatial concept
  • Interior design competition

the biggest challenge

Our design idea to open up the small rooms to create the desired living and dining area presented the implementation team with structural challenges. To our great surprise, the masonry of the not-so-new building turned out to be exceptionally strong. Fascinating. It was just as if the building wanted it that way…