Areal Wart, Hünenberg, Zug

facts and figures


Korporation Hünenberg

Total volume

Partial conversion of restaurant
Hall expansion


Selection procedure ongoing




2022 – ongoing

Fun fact

A witness to history: the first documented mentions of the Wart date back to the year 1392!

it’s all about love

The idyll­ic Res­taur­ant Wart in Hün­en­berg – a top des­tin­a­tion for gour­mets and con­nois­seurs. Along­side the long and mov­ing his­tory of this es­tab­lish­ment, cour­age and his­tory lie deep with­in its walls. And we’ve been able to put our stamp on its his­tory, too. Based on our re­com­mend­a­tion, in­teri­or de­sign­er An­drin Sch­weizer was hired for the par­tial renov­a­tion of the res­taur­ant in 2022. The new op­er­at­or brought sta­bil­ity (and ac­cess­ib­il­ity!) back to the es­tab­lish­ment. The next steps? A new hall build­ing. Our part. We’re look for­ward to work­ing on the next few stages. With a sharp-eyed out­side per­spect­ive – pick­ing up on every tiny de­tail. So this place can con­tin­ue to make his­tory. Im­press­ive. Made to last.

  • Development strategy
  • Expertise
  • Operator search
  • Spatial concept
  • Foodservice concept
  • Architecture competition tender

the biggest challenge

The site is classified as a protected site with a special zone. A starting point from which expansion of the existing system must be approached with great care and diplomatic skill. Development should be sustainable and balanced. We have our plan in mind and see the added value of restaurant operations and events as a stable source of profitability – without forgetting what makes this place worth preserving.