Acasa Suites, Zurich-Oerlikon

facts and figures


Hospitality Real Estate AG

property type

Urban hotel

total volume

CHF 28.5 million


Hotel with restaurant, bar and garden terrace
Spa and fitness studio

number of rooms

141 rooms and serviced apartments

interior designer

Andrin Schweizer Company





award winning destination

Sleep­ing, work­ing, sight­see­ing: that’s the life­style city hotel guests are look­ing for. Our hotel makes it pos­sible with a built-in IT net­work for ef­fi­cient (and re­li­able!) data trans­fer and high-speed Wi-Fi in all rooms. In the con­struc­tion pro­cess, we were able to demon­strate our skills as ex­per­i­enced pro­fes­sion­als and troubleshoot­ers. First of all, we had to re­lo­cate all the pipes from 120 apart­ments (!) to the ad­ja­cent dis­trict, while at the same time con­nect­ing the new hotel build­ing to the dis­trict heat­ing sys­tem along with the elec­tri­city sup­ply from EWZ. The res­ult: an urban spot for di­git­al nomads and tour­ists that lets them make the most of their stay in the city, wheth­er it be long or short.

  • Vision and strategy
  • Spatial concept
  • Client representation
  • Design-to-cost process
  • FF&E/OS&E/IT procurement

the biggest challenge

A construction site of this scale in the middle of a lively urban district, with lots of traffic and a directly adjacent residential property with a daycare center and many businesses. Working with us means good vibes only!

no project without hiccups

There was a fairly substantial amount of water flowing through the site. The geological survey might be done, but then reality bites… Random. Thanks to the active engagement of our project partners and efficient site management, we were well prepared for this unexpected challenge.